UPWR1BY ### Chapter 491: Scream All You Want, No One Will Come to Save You

Xichang City, Daliang Mountain.

Among the endless mountain ranges, through dense forests and climbing to the peak of a 1,500-meter-high mountain, lies the almost isolated village of Bazhe.

The village is small, with just over a hundred households scattered across the various small slopes of the mountain. Each home stands alone, surrounded by dense woods, reminiscent of the secluded abodes of ancient hermits. It is also akin to the utopian retreat described in the classical Chinese poem "Peach Blossom Spring."

The villagers here are almost entirely self-sufficient and disconnected from the outside world. Eighteen years ago, it was even more extreme. There were no base stations, no electricity, no internet. They lived entirely like ancient people, even more isolated than some in ancient times.

They sat and slept on the ground, with no fertile land. They could only cultivate some wild vegetables and yams on the mountain slopes. In short, it was a truly backward and impoverished place. Fortunately, in 2018, national poverty alleviation policies began to bring new hope here.

The establishment of base stations introduced them to electricity and the internet. In some more accessible parts of Daliang Mountain, roads were built, and the government provided home appliances and supported them in opening small shops and developing agriculture. All of these were funded by the state. In this regard, the villagers indeed owed a great deal of gratitude to the country.

However, in such a vast nation, there are always gaps, or, as they say, "the mountains are high and the emperor is far away," meaning that policy implementation can be slow. This is where caring individuals from society need to step in.

In the sky, on a plane.

Ye Xiu, holding binoculars, looked at the small village on the mountain peak from afar. "Is that the place?"

Liu Wenyue, standing next to him, nodded. "Yes, that’s it."

Ye Xiu nodded and turned to a young man with sharp eyes and a chiseled face. This young man was named Xiao Tian, a retired special forces soldier. He now worked as a bodyguard team leader at Seals Golden Shield Security Company. According to the company president, Xiang Shenglong, Xiao Tian was once a top soldier. However, during a mission, he almost died. When he returned, the hospital reported that he had been shot six times in the abdomen and three times in the chest, with two bullets missing his heart by less than three millimeters. His arms were broken and he was unable to move, seemingly left for dead.

But, unbelievably, he drove himself back to safety! His resilience was astonishing. Impressed, Xiang Shenglong ordered his immediate rescue and complete secrecy about the incident. As a former top soldier, Xiao Tian had many enemies. Xiang Shenglong valued talent but did not want to invite more trouble. Fortunately, over the years, Xiao Tian and Xiang Shenglong had secretly eliminated most of Xiao Tian’s enemies. With only a few inconsequential ones left, Xiao Tian could now appear in public and was assigned to protect Ye Xiu.

It was said that Xiao Tian still had three bullet fragments in his abdomen. Despite this, he had managed to take down most of his enemies. This showed just how formidable he was. With him around, Ye Xiu’s safety was assured.

Ye Xiu looked at Xiao Tian and said, "It’s about time. Let’s drop the supplies."

Xiao Tian nodded, went into the cockpit, and took over from the pilot. He maneuvered the plane precisely and then decisively began the air drop.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh—

The bottom of the plane opened, and a series of packages were dropped. Finally, the hatch opened, and a gust of wind rushed in. Ye Xiu and Liu Wenyue stood at the door. Liu Wenyue shivered and looked pitifully at Ye Xiu. "Boss, do we really have to jump? I’ve never parachuted before."

Ye Xiu smiled at her. "Don’t worry, I haven’t either."

Liu Wenyue: ???

Xiao Tian, just returning from the cockpit, looked at Ye Xiu with a serious expression. "Mr. Ye, you’ve never parachuted before. Are you sure you want to jump? If anything goes wrong, you could die. Your billion-dollar fortune could vanish in an instant."

Hearing this, Ye Xiu smiled and simply said, "I trust you."

Xiao Tian stared at Ye Xiu, a complex look flashing in his eyes. Then Ye Xiu grabbed Liu Wenyue by the waist and, with a laugh, pushed her out of the plane. Liu Wenyue: (´⊙ω⊙`)!?


A scream echoed from below the plane. Ye Xiu followed right after her, catching her mid-air. Amid Liu Wenyue's screams, Ye Xiu shouted, "Stop screaming! No one can save you anyway!"

Liu Wenyue: "..."

"I hate you, Ye Xiu!" Liu Wenyue yelled, eyes wide.

Ye Xiu replied, "Hate me? Then I’ll let go."

"No, no, don’t!" Liu Wenyue screamed, clinging tightly to Ye Xiu.

The two continued their free fall. Ye Xiu glanced at the ground occasionally, feeling nervous. Jumping from a plane for the first time was terrifying, after all. But soon, another figure appeared. Xiao Tian joined them in mid-air and, at the right altitude, pulled the parachutes for Ye Xiu and Liu Wenyue. The three controlled their descent, heading towards Bazhe Village.


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