UPWR1BY Chapter 492: When impoverished, maintain personal integrity; when prosperous, help the world.

Meanwhile, on a hillside in Bazhe Village.

The village chief had just received a notice that a benevolent individual was coming to make a donation, so he led the hundred or so villagers to the entrance to welcome them.

Suddenly, a child standing nearby looked up at the sky and shouted, "Dad, look, a shooting star!"

His father immediately gave him a smack on the head and said, "It's broad daylight, where would a shooting star come from..."

Before he could finish speaking, he looked up and saw a parcel tied to a parachute in the sky and instinctively blurted out.

"Holy crap, an airdrop!?"

The boy looked confused, "What's an airdrop?"

The village chief put down the only phone in the village he had just used to receive the notice, looked up at the sky, and said with a complex expression, "This benefactor really does things in an unconventional way."

The boy added, "Yeah, the road up the mountain is very hard to walk."

Village chief: "..." (That's indeed true~)

Bazhe Village is established at an altitude of 1,500 meters.

To get up the mountain, one has to walk several loops around the mountain path, and vehicles can't go up. Supplies have to be carried by hand.

In steep places, they have ladders similar to cloud ladders.

With slopes close to seventy degrees, these used to be made of bamboo poles, and people often fell off the cliffs to their deaths.

Later, the government funded the construction of steel cloud ladders.

But this only addressed the symptoms, not the root cause.

Currently, it's still impossible to improve the village's situation.

Given such a path, Ye Xiu's supplies couldn't be brought up.

So they could only be air-dropped.

It must be said, Xiao Tian's calculations were very precise.

The supplies air-dropped down all landed accurately in the wasteland halfway up Bazhe Village.

Ye Xiu and Liu Wenyue followed closely behind.

Behind them was Xiao Tian.

The three of them also successfully landed in the wasteland from the air.

However, upon reaching the ground, Liu Wenyue was still tightly holding onto Ye Xiu, looking frightened.

Ye Xiu laughed, "Open your eyes and take a look, we've landed safely."

"We've arrived?" Liu Wenyue cautiously opened one eye, then opened both, letting out a long sigh of relief.

She looked up at the handsome face so close to her, her cheeks flushed slightly, and she hurriedly let go of Ye Xiu.

"Let's go, the villagers are coming to welcome us." Ye Xiu smiled.

"Oh, okay, alright." Liu Wenyue's face was slightly red, her expression a bit flustered, her heart pounding.

She thought: I've been with President Ye for so long, but this is the first time I've hugged him, and it makes me a little happy~

Then, Ye Xiu, Liu Wenyue, and Xiao Tian started walking towards the village. From afar, they saw a group of people walking towards them.

Leading them was an elderly man.

He looked about sixty or seventy years old, with dark skin but a vigorous spirit.

Behind him were people of all ages, including children and women, all with dark skin and poor complexions.

They were all short and thin, clearly suffering from long-term malnutrition.

"You must be Mr. Ye? Haha, welcome to Bazhe Village."

The old man stepped forward and warmly extended his hand, "I am the village chief of Bazhe Village, Bata Buer. Welcome, all of you."

Ye Xiu smiled and shook the old man's hand, "Hello, I'm Ye Xiu. I've come specifically to bring some aid to everyone.

Rest assured, everyone.

"We have obtained approval from our superiors, ensuring that there won't be any issues with the supplies."

Bata Buer nodded with a smile, "Understood, I just received the notification call. Please, come and have a seat in the village."


Ye Xiu nodded and followed the old man toward the village.

At the same time, the old man ordered everyone to bring the supplies into the village.

A few minutes later, Ye Xiu followed the old village chief to a hillside.

On the hillside, there was a row of tile-roofed houses.

When Ye Xiu saw that row of houses, he felt a pang of sadness.

For no other reason than that these houses were in extremely poor condition.

The houses were clearly very old, with only a layer of whitewash on the outside, most of which had already peeled off.

The doors were the oldest kind of wooden doors, without even a layer of paint.

The wood looked almost rotten, as if a single kick could break it into pieces.

The courtyard was just a relatively large flat area.

There was not even a courtyard wall.

This was Bazhe Village's housing, and according to the village chief Bata Buer, this house in front of them was the best in the village...

Seeing this was truly heartbreaking, wasn't it?

Although they had previously conducted an investigation and were mentally prepared.

But seeing it with her own eyes, Liu Wenyue still couldn't believe it and covered her mouth in shock.

It was hard to imagine that a village could be so backward.

After standing in the courtyard for a while, the village's young and strong men quickly moved all the supplies Ye Xiu had brought into the courtyard.

When they opened the supplies and saw the fruits, vegetables, books, and clothes, they started cheering like a group of children.

Seeing their smiles, Ye Xiu and Liu Wenyue felt heavy-hearted.

Although the implementation of national policies had successfully lifted many places out of poverty,

there were still many people and places that could not shed the label of poverty in a short time.

There is a saying: When impoverished, maintain personal integrity; when prosperous, help the world.

Ye Xiu felt it was necessary for him to lend a helping hand.


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