UPWR1BY ### Chapter 495: Goodness, This Guy Is On Another Level

Inside the tent.

Xiao Tian returned.

Ye Xiu asked, "How did it go?"

Xiao Tian replied seriously, "He seems to have tried to entice the village chief to join him in drug trafficking, but he didn't succeed."

Ye Xiu nodded, "Did you see him take out any drugs?"

Xiao Tian shook his head, "No, but I suspect he has drugs on him, probably heroin."

Liu Wenyue was surprised, "How do you know?"

Xiao Tian moved his lips slightly and calmly said, "My sense of smell."

Liu Wenyue was speechless.

Ye Xiu understood. Someone who had once been a top soldier naturally wouldn't have a poor sense of smell, otherwise, he wouldn't have survived until today.

If he said it was heroin, then it probably was.

Liu Wenyue turned to Ye Xiu, "Boss Ye, what should we do?"

Ye Xiu didn't answer but looked at Xiao Tian and asked, "Let me ask you, do all drug users sniff drugs through their nose?"

Xiao Tian answered, "Not all. When they first start using, most sniff heroin. But as they get more addicted, they'll switch to oral consumption or even injection. When they lose control, they'll start injecting into veins, in places like the neck where blood circulation is fast. It’s more stimulating, but by that point, they’re close to death."

Liu Wenyue listened in horror, covering her mouth, unable to believe why anyone would do drugs. Why would anyone touch such a harmful thing?

After a pause, Xiao Tian looked at Ye Xiu, "This person is likely a beginner, probably sniffing the drugs."

"Okay, that makes things easier. Here, take this."

As he spoke, Ye Xiu took out a small bag of white powder from his pocket.

Liu Wenyue was shocked, "D-drugs?"

Xiao Tian's heart also skipped a beat, but after examining it closely, he shook his head, "This isn't drugs."

Ye Xiu grinned, "Of course it's not drugs, it's just some white flour."

Xiao Tian looked up, "You want me to switch it?"

"Yes, replace his drugs. When the police arrive, we'll hand it over to them. How about it? Difficult?"

Ye Xiu asked, looking at Xiao Tian.

Xiao Tian took the flour and, without answering, walked straight out of the tent towards Balu Le's house.

In less than five minutes, Xiao Tian returned.

He then took out a bag of white powder from his pocket.

At first glance, it looked like flour, but upon closer inspection, there were differences.

Liu Wenyue asked, "Is this heroin?"

Xiao Tian nodded.

"You came back so quickly? How did you do it?"

Xiao Tian replied, "I made him sleep for a bit."

Liu Wenyue: "..."

Ye Xiu: "..."

Goodness, this guy is more straightforward than me~

Ye Xiu said, "Alright, now we just wait for the police."

That night, the police quietly approached from the foot of the mountain.

After a conversation with the village chief, he learned that Balu Le was a fugitive drug addict.

The village chief was deeply pained but chose to cooperate with the police.

Around nine in the evening, as they were about to sleep, the police quietly surrounded Balu Le's house.

Inside the house, Balu Le rubbed the back of his neck, frowning.

He was puzzled: What happened? How did I sleep until the evening? I haven't even had dinner, have I?

With this thought, his stomach growled.

Balu Le touched his stomach and looked at the empty roast chicken on the table, feeling a bit sad. He should have saved a bite.

Forget it, he decided to ask the village chief for some food.

Balu Le got up, ready to leave the house.

Suddenly, he felt a strong craving and his hand started to tremble slightly.

His expression changed. He quickly sat down at the table and shakily took out a small bag of white powder from his pocket.

Then he took out a straw, ready to sniff.

All of this was clearly seen by the police and Ye Xiu through the crack in the door.

As soon as Balu Le took out the powder and straw.


The door was kicked open with a bang.

"Don't move! Hands up!"

"Put your hands on your head and get down!"

One by one, the police officers, guns drawn, rushed in, all aiming their weapons at Balu Le. Any sign of resistance, and they would open fire immediately!

This was a fugitive drug addict who had been on the run for three years. To escape, he might very well fight desperately.

Under other circumstances, Balu Le would definitely try to flee.

But now, it was clear he had no chance.

With seven or eight officers surrounding him, how could he run?

More crucially, he was in the grip of a drug craving.

Balu Le was completely out of control.

His eyes were fixed on the white powder on the table. In a panic, he grabbed the straw and started to sniff.

Even if he was about to be caught, he wasn't going to waste the heroin!

Seeing this, one of the officers aimed his gun at Balu Le's head and shouted, "Put down the straw! I said put down the straw!!"

Balu Le paid no attention, inhaling the powder as if it were more important than his life.

"I said…"

The officer was about to take action but was stopped by Ye Xiu.

The officer asked, "What are you doing?"

Ye Xiu replied, "It's fine, let him sniff."

The officers were baffled: ????

Since Ye Xiu was the one who had reported the case and had contributed significantly to the village, the police trusted him to some extent.

But now, Ye Xiu was telling them to let Balu Le do drugs—what did he mean by that?

Before the officers could react, they saw Balu Le, who had just taken a deep inhale, freeze. He turned abruptly, staring intently at Ye Xiu.

His gaze startled the officers.

It wasn't because they feared he would do something, but because…

Balu Le's eyes were brimming with tears, streaming uncontrollably down his face, along with snot.

He looked at Ye Xiu, on the verge of tears, "What did you put in my heroin?"

Liu Wenyue interjected, "That wasn't heroin; it was flour, you idiot."

"Flour?" Balu Le was stunned, then shook his head frantically, "No, it wasn't just flour. You definitely added something else, didn't you?"

Everyone—Liu Wenyue, Xiao Tian, and all the police officers—turned to Ye Xiu, their eyes full of curiosity.

What exactly did you put in there to make a drug addict, who isn't afraid of death, so distraught?

Under everyone's gaze, Ye Xiu chuckled awkwardly, "Well, it's nothing much. I just added a bit of… white pepper powder, mustard powder, and five-spice powder."


Not only did the police officers draw a sharp breath, but even Xiao Tian did, as they all turned to look at Balu Le with pity.

Did this guy just sniff a big mouthful of white pepper powder, mustard powder, and five-spice powder through a straw?

You're tough, man.

Balu Le froze for a second before breaking down in tears, then started sneezing uncontrollably, scratching his throat, and shouting, "Water! Ah! Give me water!!! Help me~~~"

Xiao Tian: "..."

Liu Wenyue: "..."

The police officers went up and cuffed Balu Le, and as they left, each one passed by Ye Xiu, giving him a thumbs-up.

Brother, you're awesome!

That's ruthless!

Even Xiao Tian sneaked a glance at Ye Xiu, thinking: Goodness, this guy is on another level.


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