UPWR1BY Chapter 498: Goodness, the plot is getting deeper and deeper now

Imperial Capital.

Ye Xiu was leisurely driving on the road in his Beijing Hyundai.

At this moment, he was preparing to go to Xuanke Hospital.

According to Director Lin Hongshan's introduction, Xuanke Hospital had a hidden expert.

This expert's name was Xue Qingtian, in his fifties.

Although not young, his medical skills were top-notch.

He could be considered the backbone of Xuanke Hospital.

Renowned in the capital.

Countless powerful families in the imperial capital had once fought tooth and nail to get him to treat them, but all were turned away.

No matter how much money you offered, ten million, fifty million, one hundred million!

Sorry, he wouldn't budge!

That's how indifferent he was to money!

That's how unreasonable he was!

Hidden in the city, this man was a true master in the capital's medical community.

According to Xiao Tian, the shrapnel in his body had been examined by many top domestic doctors. Because it was too close to vital areas, no one dared to guarantee a 100% safe removal, so it had been left until now.

He had previously sent people several times to invite Xue Qingtian to come out of retirement and help remove the shrapnel, but he had been completely ignored~

It didn’t matter if you were a war king; even the emperor himself would be refused.

Hmm, masters often had bizarre temperaments.

Therefore, Xiao Tian had almost given up on the idea.

But now, because of Ye Xiu, he had renewed hope.

Who would have thought that the boss behind the bodyguard company, Ye Xiu, was also the owner behind Xuanke Hospital!

This gave him a new lease on life.

Ye Xiu also valued this surgery highly. If it succeeded, there would surely be a considerable reward, right?

Moreover, even if the reward was modest, he would have a strong ally by his side!

This was a war king!

Having a war king as a bodyguard would be incredibly satisfying, wouldn't it?

And once Xiao Tian's injury was healed, with the abilities of a war king, he could quickly expand his network worldwide.

This would be immensely beneficial to him.

So, he had to help with this task!

At this moment, Ye Xiu was on his way to Xuanke Hospital to meet this master and arrange Xiao Tian's surgery.

Driving slowly in his Beijing Hyundai.

Suddenly, he felt thirsty.

Ye Xiu stopped the car, went to a roadside convenience store to buy a bottle of Mizone, and started drinking it happily.

Knock, knock, knock.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the window.

Ye Xiu rolled down the window and saw a woman.

She had long, flowing hair and an 80-point face; she was quite beautiful.

"What's up?" Ye Xiu asked.

The beauty looked at Ye Xiu pitifully, reaching out her hand and asking, "Hello, do you have a bottle of mineral water?"

Ye Xiu shook his head, "No."

The beauty's gaze slowly shifted to the Mizone in Ye Xiu's hand.

Ye Xiu was taken aback and lifted it up, saying, "This is Mizone."

Beauty: "A Mizone bottle works too."

Ye Xiu shook his head again, "I haven't finished drinking it yet."

"Oh, alright, I'll ask someone else then."

With that, the beauty turned and walked towards another car behind, looking disappointed.

Ye Xiu watched, feeling a pang of sympathy.

So young and already picking up bottles to make a living, it’s not easy.

As a good citizen of the 21st century, I feel the need to help her out.

Thinking this, Ye Xiu took out his phone and started recording.

He planned to record the girl's kind act and post it on Douyin.

Let her go viral, so at least she wouldn’t have to worry about food and clothing in the future.

While Ye Xiu was recording, he suddenly noticed another girl not far away, also holding a phone and filming?

Hmm? Ye Xiu thought, indeed, there are still many kind-hearted people…

But before Ye Xiu could finish his thought,

he saw the girl who had just asked him for a bottle reach out her hand to another driver in a BMW.

Beauty: "Hello, do you have any bottles you don't need? Any kind of bottle will do."

The driver didn’t think much of it and handed over an empty mineral water bottle: "What a coincidence, I just have one, here you go."

"Thank you."

The beauty took the bottle and smiled slightly at the driver.

Then, she threw it on the ground with a thud.

She stomped on it twice, then picked it up again.

In a flash, she tossed it into the BMW and shouted, "Please don't litter!"

Then she turned and walked away coolly.

BMW driver: (⊙_⊙)????

Completely dumbfounded.

Ye Xiu witnessed the entire scene, his heart racing.

He looked down at the Mizone beside him and thought to himself: That was close. Goodness, the plot is getting deeper and deeper now.

Luckily, I haven't finished my drink, otherwise, I'd be the one caught in this trap.

Damn, asking people for a bottle of water, then throwing it back in their car and saying: Don’t litter?

I, Ye Xiu, have seen many tricks, but none as slick as yours!


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