UPWR1BY Chapter 499: Sorry. I, Ye Xiu, Must Uphold Justice

At the same time, Ye Xiu noticed that the girl who had been filming earlier also left. It was obvious that this was a staged performance, done deliberately. The BMW driver was still in shock and hadn't recovered.

A few minutes later, Ye Xiu was sitting in his car. He casually swiped through Douyin and saw a video. A beautiful girl with flowing long hair picked up a mineral water bottle from the ground and fiercely threw it into a BMW car, saying imposingly, "Please don't litter!" Then she flipped her hair and walked away stylishly, leaving the BMW driver with a dumbfounded expression.

This girl was the same one Ye Xiu had encountered earlier, and the driver was the one who had handed her the mineral water bottle. The part where the girl asked for the bottle was edited out, leaving only the scene where it looked like the BMW driver was carelessly littering and the girl was heroically calling him out. The editing was very precise. The video's view count was skyrocketing.

Ye Xiu glanced at the comment section below. "Wow, what a cool girl! This is how you deal with people who litter!" "Not only is she beautiful, but she has a beautiful heart too. Love it!" "I want all the information about this girl within ten minutes!" "Shut up! That's my wife!" "..."

The comments were full of praise for the girl's action. The video's view count quickly surpassed 500,000. Ye Xiu was amazed at how far people would go to stage something like this. To be fair, the tactic was quite slick.

Opening his phone, Ye Xiu looked at the video he had deliberately recorded earlier and sighed. He had originally thought about posting the video online, helping them go viral, and making them internet celebrities so they wouldn't have to worry about their livelihood. But it turned out to be a ruse. Well, sorry then. I, Ye Xiu, must uphold justice~~ 

Ye Xiu didn't hesitate to edit the footage he had recorded earlier into a short video and posted it on Douyin. Although he didn't usually play on Douyin, after going viral multiple times, he had become a top-tier internet celebrity without even posting a single video. He had only four to five million followers, not many.

After Ye Xiu posted the short video, its view count skyrocketed. Within a minute, it surpassed one million views!

"Oh my god, the Positive Energy Guy has posted a video!" "Damn, I've been following the Positive Energy Guy for so long, and he's finally started playing on Douyin. I'm so happy, my youth is back!" "Don't fight, he's my husband~~" "Quick, look, the Positive Energy Guy's video looks familiar." "Holy crap, isn't this the same girl who fiercely called out the BMW guy earlier? Is this... another perspective?"

When they saw the girl asking the BMW guy for the mineral water bottle, throwing it on the ground, stomping on it, then picking it up and throwing it into the BMW car while saying imposingly, "Please don't litter!" they all fell silent and then started commenting wildly.

"Holy crap, although this word can be misunderstood, I still have to say, this girl is really sly!" "To be fair, this girl is really sly. She asks the BMW guy for a bottle, throws it back, and says, 'Please don't litter?' Sly! Really sly!"

"So it was all a setup. Thankfully, the Positive Energy Guy recorded the whole process. Otherwise, we'd all be kept in the dark and fooled like monkeys."

"Damn, people will do anything to get famous. I suggest we report this!"

"Agreed +1"

"Agreed +2"

"Agreed +3"


"Agreed +99"


On the other side, the girl who had just staged the video was sitting in a nearby café, happily sipping her coffee. Watching the short video's view count rapidly rise, she was overjoyed. She hummed to herself, "Just as the old saying goes: 'True feelings don't last, only schemes win hearts!' Today's scheme really paid off!"

"Let's do this again tomorrow!" The girl was thrilled, repeatedly watching her edited short video, flipping through it more than a dozen times. She felt proud and praised herself, "My editing skills are really top-notch, hehe. Who can beat this scheme? I've decided! This is how I'll do it from now on! Tomorrow, I'll find the next target!"

The girl was happily scrolling through her short video when suddenly, the screen went black. Huh? Did it freeze? She exited and tried to re-enter, only to find that all her short videos were gone. Disappeared!

"What happened? How could it be this bad? I just bought this iPhone, there's no way it should be acting up." The next second, a notification popped up.

"Dear Douyin user, we have detected that your account has posted a video that violates our guidelines. Your account has been permanently banned.

Ban duration: 99999 years~~"

Girl: ????

She was dumbfounded on the spot.


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